Embed Bugzilla data in wikimo pages

[Update] I had previously linked to Christian Legnitto’s personal github repo. The correct canonical github repo is https://github.com/mozilla/mediawiki-bugzilla.

I’m excited, nay thrilled, to announce that you can now embed Bugzilla data in wiki pages on wiki.mozilla.org via the mediawiki-bugzilla extension. Let me jump into two samples to show you the value:

You can also setup personal and team work pages with custom views of bug data and create kanban style and other dashboards.

To embed bug data in your own pages use the following markup:

        json query using Bugzilla REST API

Here are some examples to get you started.

Show a listing of 3 specific bugs:

        "id": "691829,706936,721366"

Show all new bugs with the whiteboard value [telemetry:p1]:

        "whiteboard": "[telemetry:p1]",
        "status": "new"

Show a chart of the telemetry:p1 bugs by status

<bugzilla type="count" display="bar">
        "whiteboard": "[telemetry:p1]",
        "x_axis_field": "status"

Further information and examples are available in the readme.

There are some issues that you should be aware of when using this extension:

  1. Data is pulled anonymously. There is no way to pull private bugzilla data including security and other confidential bugs.
  2. There is no current way to specify multiple values for parameters (like status) that require multiple query parameters in the bugzilla api (bug 729259).
  3. Only bar charts are currently supported.
  4. Data that exceeds the wikimedia memory limit will result in a blank page. The readme has instructions on recovering from this scenario.

Thanks to Christian Legnitto for kicking off this project last summer and Brandon Savage and Jake Maul for getting the code into a production ready state and deployed on wikimo.

Bugs can be filed here.

If you’re interested in contributing to this extension or using it with your own mediawiki installation, you can find the source on github.

About Lawrence Mandel

Firefox program manager
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6 Responses to Embed Bugzilla data in wikimo pages

  1. Mardeg says:

    What I’d like to see is links to bugzilla in the wiki that just have the number as the text of the link get their title=”” attribute automatically populated with the bug summary like links in bugzilla itself.

  2. BlueMM says:

    The links on the summary of bugs in the table don’t point to the individual bugs for me, instead to the current page.
    Also, does this mean the {{bug|12345}} template will be updated to have the bug summary in the tooltip? That would be sooo useful

  3. legneato says:

    BlueMM: I actually started to work on that but ran into some Mediawiki issues…hope to pick it up again soon.

  4. I had also started working on a live bugs implementation that would do as Mardeg and BlueMM suggest as well as show bug status with a strike through for resolved bugs. I’d like to get to that as soon as we sort out some of the issues with the current table and charting integration.

  5. Pingback: Long time no see! « LegNeato!

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